WATER WARS DVD: When Drought, Flood and Greed Collide

December 15, 2015 / Glen Reynolds

DVD WATER WARS: When Drought, Flood and Greed Collide tells the story of Bangladesh and its war with rising seas and devastating floods and droughts. As the country sees less water during the dry season, villages are forced to dig deeper wells, where there is arsenic rich water – a threat poisoning the population and filling hospitals throughout the country.

Take a look at this brief intro:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?list=PLCOaARTycsUL3rterlp3Hk9uiZMuupnxX&v=fgXau5VcX3Y

In Book 2 of the Monas Novels, the water situation and tension in India, Tibet and China is explored by the Room, Nargess and Monas.




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